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Entry Number Six

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Entry Number Six Empty Entry Number Six

Post by Harvey Branden Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:36 pm

Dear Haven,

Just because of the distance that does not affect my view of you as the all knowing guru for life and love. Even if you seem to have about as much luck with girls as me. Maybe because neither of us like girls. But a little birdie wrote me a letter telling me that was changing. I wont comment further on that because this letter is about me. Mainly because you are not replying to my letters therefore I feel the need to use this almost as a diary as well as annoying you with endless letters. Anyhow moving onto the point of my letter. The weirdest thing happened. No I am not talking about the incident where we tried to find out that lady. Well we are still trying to do that, but it is not what was so weird. Even though it was weird ... sorry what was I talking about? Ah yes weird.

I felt something strange today. The kind of feeling I get when I think about you or when Robert lets me look at his tattoo's. I felt kind of warm and fuzzy. I got this light headed dizzying sensation and I felt all warm. Now most people would say I was sick. But as I mentioned, I have felt things like this before. In fact the last time I felt this I was sitting before you telling you I like liked you. Now you might say well alright I have a crush on someone. Sure it sucks that someone as amazing as me has moved on affection wise but its a pretty simple explanation. But actually it is not like that. For one it is impossible it is a crush because the person in question is female. I may be young and not really up to date on the ways of boys and girls - but I have not felt that way for a girl ... well ever. Except if you count Aaliyah. But I think we both decided that was just an obsession based on a fear of loosing my best friend. So that does not count.

Can someone like girls and boys? Or am I just actually sick.

ugh this is so stupidly confusing,

I have to go lie down somewhere,


Harvey Branden
Harvey Branden
Second Year

Posts : 80
Join date : 2011-12-26

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